Fall Flagstaff Engagement | Northern Arizona

 I have attempted and waited for so many years to catch the Aspen trees in northern Flagstaff, Arizona in their full peak of turning yellow. I am not kidding when I say these trees turn yellow and fall off in one second. It is the smallest window of time to catch them and unless you live in Flagstaff its not always the easiest to just get up and go any time. Saying that, you can now imagine my excitement and stress when Nicolle and Alex approached me early into the year about doing their engagement session in this location. I was so thrilled!!  

So to be extra sure, I ended up saving two dates in October for them and that we will go on the one with highest chance to catch the yellow leaves. I believe we ended up going with the first saved date early into the month and even that date we barely just made it as most leaves were all ready on the floor. 

The hike up to the specific area is not a short one. It takes so much planning with lighting and shade and hiking and travel and room for hiccups. I was mostly excited because my couple has not been on this hike before and theres a point in the hike where you go from walking through regular pine trees to entering what feels like this mini world of Aspen trees where you are just fully engulfed by them. I think I promised them a million time that its going to be worth it and that its going to smack you in the face out of no where. Their backpacks were not light and Nicolle is not an avid hiker so you can imagine my relief the minute they stepped into literally fall wonder land. IT.WAS.STUNNIG. Man sometimes pictures can say a thousand words but others times they can’t even capture one word of what it felt like in person. 

Aspen trees for days. 

It truly was such a treat to photograph these two, especially on Alex birthday.  Not only was the location a dream but these two are a dream.  Which leaves me so excited for their wedding coming up this month. And on top of making it to the perfect fall spot in Flagstaff we also got one of the sweetest yet simple sunset on our drive back that just stretched out against the northern landscape of Arizona. I loved the mix of planned and unplanned stops throughout this whole session. 

Scroll down bellow to see the whole adventure. 

EngagementsEunice Vesa